


Plot wardrives without a GPS

So this is the only entry i have where i’ve built an app that wont work from day 1. “Oh why andrew, why?” you might say, but as I shrug, this was not my fault. So a while back Samy Kamkar produced his geolocation proof of concept code which works awesomely at being able to…


VMWare User Information Leak

Click here to search the VMWare user database! So last week some time Chris Hadnagy linked me to the following URL: which was pretty interesting last week. Basically it allowed someone to full in their email address to manage their VMWare subscriptions, i noticed a couple of things from the next pages: The fields…


Pastebin Scraper

Yeah im really lazy, so im not gonna write a lot about it, basically, if you wanna use it on my site hit it up at otherwise feel free to download it and run it yourself from this archive Basically, go to and try some of these: “gmail/facebook Password” – free facebook/gmail/whatever accounts…


Arduino IPCam

So its been ages since i last blogged, and i am determined to try do this more regularly since it will probably get me onto doing more stuff! This is pretty much the first thing i built with the Arduino – the idea was to make a budget IPCam with a web interface that i…